The car is unpacked, and I am catching my breath after this weekends
craft + design show in Richmond, Virginia. I did have a wonderful time, despite the stress, long hours, and tidious preparations. My booth came together nicely, and my sales exceeded expectations, but most importantly I made numerous new connections with visitors, craft and art supporters, and other artists (some of them produce amazing work which I will feature in another post later this week). A few lesson's learned - bring more inventory, lighting is super important, and not accepting credit card payments at your booth can be an issue. Will do better on all fronts next time. I am grateful for my fun and helpful booth neighbors Robyn and Marc from
iron design company and potter
Robert Hessler. My lovely husband deserves big thanks (he already got plenty of hugs and kisses) for his patience with me while designing and constructing the displays, and I am also indebted to my fantastic friends Julie, Virginia, and Lauren who's sales skills far surpasses mine. Thank you! Now it is time to reclaim my house and my family, and gear up for the upcoming turkey feast. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I wish you a relaxing time with friends, relatives, and loved ones.
That looks great. Congratulations for the market success, and have a great Thanksgiving. For us is just something that appears in films, but well...have a great time in family and friends. Enjoy.