Sunday, February 10, 2008

winter break

We just returned from a short winter vacation at Wintergreen, a ski resort nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains just west of where we live. For many of you a ski vacation in Virginia probably sounds like a joke, but we had a lovely time and did get some good skiing in. The snow was man-made, pretty slushy by days end, and you had to watch out for the occasional grassy spots on the most popular slopes. Still everyone in my family was happy and we enjoyed wonderful evenings with my in-laws, filled with delicious meals, tasty wines, games, and lots of kid's laughter. I am restored and ready for another productive and exciting week.

1 comment:

  1. Hej syrran!

    Din blogg är jättefin!



    I write this in swedish just to give her som vibes from home..:)


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