Monday, September 29, 2008

pure bliss

My wonderful blogger friend Mrs. French recently opened her shop blissfulimages on etsy where her magical photographic prints are available for sale. All of you who visit her inspiring blog bliss  are already familiar with her amazing images. They capture mystical light, subtle reflections, and glimmers of muted colors. They also evoke a peaceful sense of being in the moment. The photograph above, skeletons, will be mine. I am clearing a spot in my studio where it will hang as a source of inspiration and as a symbol of artistic beauty and friendship. 


  1. Her artwork is mesmerizing! I love how each image magical :)

    I hope you had a wonderful weekend, Lotta!

  2. mrs.french's photographs haunt me, in a good way.
    they are bliss.

  3. i received my photo today and it is even more beautiful in person. lovely tribute.

  4. I meant to comment earlier and tell you that I also admired you from my blog this week is amazing the wonderful, talented women we meet in this wonderful world of if we could only meet in real life...sigh...

  5. Her work is so amazing - glad to see it here!


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