Thursday, October 27, 2011

stitching slowly

Lots of time is spent stitching lately. Slowly, methodically, and deliberately. It is hard not to feel rushed with looming deadlines, but I am trying. Taking deep breaths, concentrating on the needle penetrating the cloth, creating lines and texture as we go. I am enamored with tone on tone stitching, without much contrast, except the sheen of the thread agains the matt linen.

I am featured in a new book called Mastering the art of fabric printing and design by Laurie Wisbrun. It is a great book that covers a wide range of techniques and aspects of textile design and printing, and it includes profiles and interviews with many wonderful textile makers from around the world. The first edition is released in the UK. The book will be available in the US in the spring under a slightly different title. I'll keep you posted.


  1. oh you SO deserve this. congratulations, lotta!

  2. New work is looking beautiful and congratulations on the book feature!

  3. Congratulations!! It's well deserved.

  4. Beautiful stitches! Congratulations on the book too.

  5. I will look forward to the US publication - do keep us posted. Your stitches are elegant.

  6. Congratulations, how exciting!

  7. Your work is going sweet, so slow...lovely
    And thanks for the book link...although have no time, like the idees fly around...just for if I have one moment one day

  8. Congratulations Lotta! I just love everything you do. Can't wait to immerse myself in the book. All the best-


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