Wednesday, August 24, 2011


It arrived yesterday, much anticipated. It is thick, beautiful and ambitious. India Flint's second skin is a book about choosing and caring for the clothes and textiles we wear and use. So far I have only read the few first pages (ok I did a quick glance through, just to soak in the beauty), but I am expecting a reading experience rich in history, culture, and gentle reminders about how to live life more gently. This will be a book to savor, page by page.

I finished all my work for the show in Suffolk in the nick of time. So late that I never got any photos of the sunflower series, except for the mediocre snapshot below. The group shows I do with fiber transformed are theme shows, a great concept where all participants create pieces that are inspired by a specific subject or a photograph. But literal work is always difficult for me, even in circumstances like this when the subject should be viewed broadly. Anyway, I was unsure about these flower shapes at first, but when finished, stretched, and grouped together they work better.

I am looking forward to fall, with more time to work and to explore the many ideas that are brewing. One exciting project involves the magnificent oak tree growing in the back of our house - and its leaves. Stay tuned.


  1. lovely book ..exciting time!

  2. thank you for your kind words my dear...

  3. oooo! - the book looks delicious - looking forward to ordering my own cc!
    I enjoy how your sunflowers look grouped like that!


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