After a lifetime of doing laundry in dingy basements, garages, and laundromats, we finally have a real laundry room. The small space next to our second floor bedrooms, was carved out and roughed in a couple of years ago, when we did a major house renovation. For many reasons, mainly financial, we have not finished the project until now.
My lovely husband did all the work - laying, sanding, and staining the floor, making the shelves, installing the soapstone counter top, and all the painting... I was available for advice and good cheer throughout the project (yes, I know he is a very special man). I also love the new high efficiency washer and dryer, so roomy and quiet. Another favorite is the basket system for the boys sports gear. Here they find their jerseys and shin guards, and when they return from practice their grimy garments go directly in the dirty laundry bin. In theory their stuff never leaves the wash room unless it is on their bodies. I am no domestic diva, but I have to admit that this laundry room brings me happiness. No more hauling of baskets up two flights of stairs, or looking for boys' boxers in the dust piles on the basement concrete floor.