dubious- stenciling-turned-into-art-project is finished. It is messy, cluttered, random, un-colorful, and without focus. All things an art quilt should not be. But I love it. I love the way it hangs, the paint splattered binding, the layered shapes. And I truly loved all the hand stitching involved. I am still insecure about my "art", unsure of my voice. This piece is most likely not representative of where I am heading, but it made me appreciate the possibilities within imperfection and encouraged me to try something new. I am not sure where it will end up.
Blurring the lines may stay here with me in a happy spot in our house, since its error-filled origins may not be as endearing to the uninitiated eye. To me it is a reminder of awakening.
I agree with you... LOVE IT... Imperfections sometimes turns into something special. I need to change and try to be less "perfect"... but it's so hard, isn't it?
ReplyDeletei think it's stunning! I love the blurred sections, especially against the neatness of the stitching! beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI love it Lotta. I think it is absolutely perfect! Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI really love the combination of the stitching with the printed images. Love the free-flow of the dye (or ink??).
ReplyDeletei like this a lot.
ReplyDeleteI really like how this turned out Lotta! The fact that it's black and white also makes it quite stunning.
ReplyDeletethe result is beautiful - the combination of the printed area and the overlaying stitching is so lovely.
ReplyDeleteI love this, Lotta. It is so pretty. I think 'perfect' quilts are pompous. No one should have a quilt that is perfect, the handmade qualities that we all love are filled with imperfections - making them more beautiful. Can't wait to see where this takes you.
ReplyDeleteOh, it's wonderful! Perfection sometimes keeps us and our work from relaxing. This piece has love and calm and life.
ReplyDeleteWell, it is endearing to THIS uninitiated eye. I have a love for imperfection in handmade things, yet I struggle with letting imperfections go in my own work. I suspect you may be wired similarly?
Absolutely gorgeous! Love it..
ReplyDeleteSTUNNING! Very modern take on a floral quilt motif.
ReplyDeleteI am loving blurring the lines...beautiful piece!
ReplyDeleteI don't know anything about art quilts but think yours is fantastic. I love how you repeated the pattern in different ways and the contrast between blurry and sharp.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your feedback. I can't tell you how glad I am to hear from each of you! Your kind words makes me feel reassured and inspired to forge ahead.
ReplyDeleteI think your quilt is lovely! It's always scary trying new things, especially when you feel that the outcome is not perfect, but his is wonderful!
ReplyDeleteLotta it is beautiful! I love it in all its imperfection and think that is what makes it even more stunning.
ReplyDeleteA true masterpiece. You are so gifted my dear friend!
Stor kram
Charlotta xx
This is delightful.